Wages & Benefits
Effective June 1st, 2024
Glaziers Benefits Form
IUPAT Benefits Form
Surety Bond Form
IUPAT Pension Book
Articles of Agreement
Health and Welfare Summary Plan
Annuity Book
Letter of Intent
Glaziers Union Local #27 has some of the most dedicated Business Representatives in the Nation. They work constantly to improve labor and management relations and to promote industry standards throughout Chicago and its suburbs.
If you are a contractor or Glazier and have concerns or questions regarding the Glazing industry please feel free to call our Union offices and your message will be promptly forwarded to one of our outstanding Union Business Representatives.
Michael Mabus
Steve Mabus
Joseph Buhay
Union meetings are held every 4th Monday of the month at 7:00pm
Berwyn Eagles Hall
6309 West 26th Street
Berwyn, IL 60402